Category Archives: Random


My name is R.  I am a food snob, nature enthusiast, vegetarian, health and fitness freak.  After an unfruitful search for publications, websites, and blogs that fit my needs — health and green living tips, vegetarian cooking, etc without being crunchy — I gave up and decided to start my own blog.   I hope to write about developing an appreciation for the earth AND your body, and I promise I won’t get too hippie on you.

There is a lot going on in my garden right now, as you can see from the photo below — so as the summer turns to fall, the next few entries may focus on vegetables :).  Once the weather cools off, I hope to get back outside — I will be running in my first 5K race this fall and will chronicle my (mis)adventures in learning to run.  Plenty of entries on healthy, green living are planned, so stay tuned!

Zuchini, peppers, tomatoes, oh my! Picked from my garden and photographed by R on 8/17/2010
